Environmental charities are often on the frontline of environmental action, fighting for environmental causes and progress and stopping environmental issues, yet often they are entirely funded by generous donators such as yourself, and need your donations to keep on functioning and fighting for their causes. This section has a wide variety of charities who are tirelessly working for a better planet and future for all which you can learn about and donate to, either as a one-off or becoming a regular monthly donor.

General Charities are charities that are helping things like reforestation and anti-poaching efforts, these are issues that are always here, and matter, but aren't in the environmental news headlines. The charities usually have a less concentrated aim, such as reducing global deforestation, instead of being concentrated on a single current issue, and have been sorted into different sections so you can easily find charities to donate to that are fighting issues that you care about.

Current Charities are charities that are helping current environmental efforts and events, and are usually focused on a single concentrated aim, such as stopping a planned oil rig, instead of working to stop fossil fuels globally (this would be in the General Charities area).

Have a charity to add? Submit the name of the charity and what section you want it to be in and I will upload it to the website as soon as possible. 

© 2018 Oscar Glancy (Justice For Earth)
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